Aworker - Blockchain Platform for Recruitment Industry
What is Aworker?
Aworker is a blockchain platform for hiring. Aworker is intended to disrupt the recruitment market, where volume in 2016 amounted to 429 billion dollars. With the help of WORK tokens and Ethereum blockchain technology, Aworker will help people find better jobs, and companies to choose the most competent employees.
Aworker is made to help:
1. Companies hire the best candidates and reduce the cost per hire.
Aworker uses Blockchain technology to create:
1. P2P platform for personnel recruitment. With the power of smart contracts, it is possible to change the rules of recruitment, when others recommend candidates and all participants from the critical stage receive wages.
2. System reputation, That will prove a specialist qualification. WORK token coin worker. WORK tokens associated with hiring employees in the company. Companies will have to spend a WORK token to find and hire an employee.
The number of tokens is limited. Companies will receive applications to hire and communicate with candidates. HR managers will be able to create vacancies, employ smart contract opportunities, Blockchain will provide more reliable information about applicants, who are now lacking in firms.
Problems There are several major difficulties in FFI in the recruitment and job search process:
1. Difficult to hire good employees
2. On FFI difficulties in assessing candidates
3. High fees for recruitment
4. Workers have difficulty finding good jobs
5. Companies use data on people's professional skills free of charge Solution Aworker We create decentralized and reliable solutions for companies based on Ethereum blockchain with smart contract.
Our solutions consist of job market, skills verification and reputation independent rating. Employees get the opportunity to find work on their networks, skills and professional accomplishments. Companies gain access to decentralized Ranking and verified skills through smart contracts.
The purpose of the Aworker
1. To create a global ecosystem of decentralization for companies and workers, which will help to find the best employees and recommend friends for the right open positions.
2. To create a universal decentralization system of employee appraisal and reputation for the whole world.
3. To create a simple and reliable tool to verify the reputation for multiple clicks.
4. To enable people to make money on their skills to have additional motivation for development («improve professional skills»).
5. To create a decentralized ecosystem that will provide additional employees and motivation for development.
6. To enable an employee to be the best in the professional field.
7. To introduce the advantages of a smart contract Etherealum for the real world.
This Aworker User There are four types of users in Aworker:
1. Employees - people who work for a company or find a job. An employee can respond to vacancies and include information about skills, competencies or work experience. Every month, an employee can engage in decentralization of the Aworker Rank.
2. A worker - the most proactive and qualified user of the app. She has more proven skills and high reputation recommendations from employees. Aworkers can recommend their acquaintances to open vacancies, check employee skills and evaluate potential ratings. The aworker reputation will depend on the results.
3. HR managers - company representatives who can inform about open vacancies, assessment views and employee ratings. The HR manager will be able to track Aworker job seekers within the app, communicate with them, have access to ratings and verified skills.
4. Employer - employee employee front. One can get «manager» status after being confirmed by three employees of the company. The manager will be able to choose for company employees (or other employees), but his / her voice will be the same as any aworker sound.
Managers will have the ability to write reviews about employees. How it works The aworker will be able to receive wages for recommendations every time he / she gets acquainted with a job in the company. The whole process will be open to the employee, and he will always be able to see the recruitment stage. In this case, the candidate search process becomes P2P, when other network users look for decent candidates for the company and recommend them.
Rewards rewards among participants of the recruitment process at Aworker distributed: 50% got the person who recommended the best candidate 20% got the best candidates the company chose 10% got people who came for interview 10% got Aworker platform So, all of the most qualified people receive the remuneration and aworkers who recommend them. Special Features Aworkers with high reputation (over 30 points) will have access to the individual working conditions with the company.
In fact, a reputable aworker can help companies find remote employees. The company is interested in their users: They understand people; They recommended candidates who had been recruited;
They can analyze and make inferences about specialists. Companies will be able to work in two directions with known aworkers:
1. To create exclusive vacancies with the best rewards for reputable aworkers. This is relevant for people looking for a higher quality position.
2. To make a vacancy with a payment for the recommendation. When rewards are paid not for a closed job, but for the recommendation itself. The following fee rewards for the recommendation will be less than for a closed position, but prizes will be guaranteed. Skills Decentralized Verification System Using Verification Skills, employees will be able to: · Receive a reward for their proven skills. · Increase their competence in the eyes of HR managers. · To use the Building Decentralization Reputation that will confirm a person's real skills on a global scale.
Aworker will make a transparent verification system has credibility among the companies. It will be decentralized, universal, transparent, and will o ff er the list of employee skills suitable for the job.
What can be verified An employee can confirm two types of data:
1. skills that prove the value of the employee and ultimately may be of interest to the company. For example, foreign language knowledge, advanced training courses, knowledge of professional tools and programming languages, etc. Skills tests are required using documents (certificates, videos, etc.) and the voice of the community.
2. Work experience and education. An employee's company is used for work, and the projects he / she used to engage in mentioned. This is another chance to receive the prize. Case: John's Verification Skills add information that he has «English: Upper-Intermediate» skills. He attached a certificate from an English school confirming this.
He sends the skills to verify and spend the WORK tokens. The aworkers community affirms John's skills in 14 days. John and the aworkers who confirmed the skills get the token WORK back.
Controversial situation If there are 2 or more candidates for the same vacancy equal to the total efficient FFI coefficient calculated with the results of the assessment and skills verified, an employee with a strong reputation is preferred.
If there are 2 or more candidates for the same vacancy having the same efficient FFI coefficient and the same level of reputation, the employee with a good assessment of the results is preferred.
If the coefficient of Total coe FFI, reputation level, and assessment results are the same, the decision must be made by the sign holder. Anti-fraud system We consider the possibility of fraud cases and develop antifraud systems.
For security reasons, we have some options to help minimize fraud issues, such as:
1. An employee must show his / her account on social networks and workplaces;
2. Personality of an authorized manager to confirm data to be examined carefully. This person must have three verifications of the company's employees;
3. Integration with decentralization of the Civic identity verification tool to reduce the risk of dishonest user registration;
4. Users with suspicious social networks and site pages will be blocked until data is confirmed;
5. Suspicious behavior of each participant (employee or manager) will be monitored by our system.
Technological Motivation to use Blockchain technology In determining non-functional requirements for the Aworker platform, we have made the conclusion that it must provide transparency in decision making, it must also be stable and secure , prolonged, scalable and should promote open settings for user motivation. Blockchain technology can help to implement these basic rules, it was chosen as the default platform for Aworker realization. This platform should be decentralized.
The network has no central manage, all Aworker platform nodes are the same. Transparency in decision making. At any time, information about ratings and votes is acceptable, it will help to ensure in the honesty of decisions taken. Stable and secure. This platform must provide stable operation at any time period, it must be resistant to hacker attacks and to ensure the safe storage of user data. Can be extended. The Aworker platform should provide a set of interfaces for the execution of services, which use this platform. Scalable. Network productivity should not fall, if there is an increase in the number of users and the addition of resources. Beneficial for the devotees.
The internal economy of this application to enable users to gain tangible benefits and motivate potentially new members to join the platform.
Distribution of remuneration to market participants This entry was posted in Uncategorized Tags:
1.HR-corporate managers create vacancies, send messages to network participants.
2. For every user who wants to recommend a friend (who responds to a message), a unique link is formed upon request.
3. This system identifies users who have been authorized by referrals that respond to vacancies and subscriptions to notifications of user status changes.
4. When the status of a user changes to "Accepted", the reward between key participants is automatically distributed, using smart contracts after their request. Employee skill confirmation This smart contract provides transparent procedures to demonstrate their ability to each employee.
Employee skills are deemed confirmed only after the minimum number of people is collected.
The minimum number of persons must conform to the following three conditions:
1. Minimum of 100 voters;
2. The difference between the majority and minority of persons exceeds 20%;
3. The total prizepool awarded to the winner is a minimum of + 10% for shares of each member of the majority.
4. Employees, who wish to obtain public confirmation skills, initiate contacts by sending messages about adding new skills by referring to supporting documents (or documents).
5. Service users, expressing a desire to check Employee skills (for example, as they have skills like themselves) Compilation of employees This employment rankings, taking into account the views of aworkers. ·
The employee committee of the launch of a smart contract by submitting a form indicating that he / she wants to participate in the rating. · Aworkers, in response to Workers who place employee appraisals on a 10-point scale. At this stage, all received information is stored in the Mongo DB database. Stack technology and top-level architecture The application is built on the basis of the Ethereal platform and protocol for the storage of distributed IPFS files. Data about transactions, made in the platform, are stored in blockchain. Based on the listed technology, the implementation of the business-logic layer (domain logic layer) is built: intelligent contract interactions, frontend, file storage management systems, etc.
The Aworker platform provides opportunities for interaction between APIs and resources such as Indeed, Monster, etc. It is necessary to identify uniquely platform users through accounts in professional social networks, in addition to incorporating existing site capabilities with the Aworker platform. For the above-node platform realization, Ethereal is a platform for making decentralized applications, based on blockchain technology. This platform o ff ers the possibility of implementing smart contract on Turing-Completed static Solidity typed language. For the Aworker platform, community blockchain Ethereum will be used. · IPFS is a protocol for the storage of distributed files.
The system makes it possible to store user documents, which confirm their skills and achievements, not on the central service, but in distributed storage. · Civic is a platform for verifying the decentralization of user personalities on the Internet. This will avoid duplicate invalid accounts in the Aworker platform and accounts created to implement fraudulent schemes. · Solidity is a high-level language for writing smart contracts and executing them in Ethereum virtual machines. All contracts from the Aworker platform will be implemented with the help of the Solidity language. · FFL e Tru is a framework for developing and testing smart contracts. · NodeJS is an event-oriented programming language meant for writing backend. · Web3js - is the API to work with the Ethereum-blockchain network.
Street Map Stage
1: Aworker Alpha. Disconnection of private cabinet users Phase
2: Developing personal account for companies and Marketplace Job Stage
3: Integration into blockage and audit security Verification Skills Stage
4: Development of blockage based Ethereum Ranking Stage
5: Development of company advertising cabinet Stage
6: Enterprise application development Stage
7: Development of Awareness APIs and mobile applications Stage
8: Development of a recommendation system The International Labor Organization (ILO) ).
In 2017 LinkedIn is claimed to have approximately 467 million registered users. LinkedIn users potential Aworker users. The market volume of FFI sta by Analyst Sta FFI ng Industry is $ 429 billion. The average cost of replacing one specialist in the United States is around $ 8000. Below is a graph showing the increase in the number of LinkedIn. users for the last 7 years according to statistically.
Applications for employees
1. Will make the job search easier and select the most appropriate company;
2. Will build the reputation of a trusted employee;
3. Will provide an opportunity to increase rewards;
4. Will advise each employee on the more efficient development e FFI (on behavioral and performance analysis);
5. Will provide an opportunity to purchase products partnered with big discounts. Decentralization and Blockchain will enable employees to have the following opportunities: Marketplace Jobs: An employee will have the opportunity to recommend vacancies for friends getting rewarded for a successful recommendation (get a job or go to an interview).
See paragraph 3.3 for details. System Skill Verification: An employee will have the opportunity to add the skills he / she owns and get a reward for a confirmed skill. Rating: An employee will have the opportunity to be assessed by an independent system for specialists and get the prize of being the best specialist in the country. See paragraph 3.5 for details. Special ers o ff for А-List: An employee will have access to special o ff from partner.
We want to create an ecosystem capable of providing employees with better opportunities for personal development.
Applications for companies
1. Will provide access to a reliable database of employees (ratings, verified skills, professional competence assessments, feedback);
2. Will automate routine work while renting;
3. It will be possible to find new employees in the app. Decentralization and Blockchain will enable companies to have the following opportunities: Job Marketplace. The HR manager will create vacancies so that Aworker employees or users have the opportunity to recommend their friends. See paragraph 3.3 for a detailed description of the Marketplace Work. Our privilege is to provide an opportunity to get to all users of the application not only to company employees unlike today.
Automation of the recruitment process. This is an application to keep records of applicants. It keeps a record of communication with the candidate. It monitors the effectiveness of HR managers. It communicates directly with candidates from one private cabinet. Database. HR managers will be able to check applicants in a unique database, Aworker Assessment, and see the professional abilities of confirmed candidates. This will help HR managers to rank candidates and make informed decisions based on information from the Ethereum blockchain. Advertising. HR managers will be able to use Aworker as an additional source to attract applicants.
A company will be able to advertise employees with confirmed professional skills. All payments will be given in WORK tokens. A share of the rewards will be compensated to employees with appropriate professional skills. Selling token Aworker
Token Sales (WORK) to support and develop the Awarenessum blockchain.
Participants who wish to support this project will be able to purchase a WORK token for ETH.
The number of work tokens is limited.
Sales of the WORK token will last for 4 sales signs:
Token Sale # 1,
Token Sale # 2,
Token Sale # 3.
Token Sale # 4.
Publish and sell the WORK Ethereum smart contract.
• Participants who wish to support the awards. The FFI o group of projects.
• Currency received: ETH, BTC.
• Token team members will be blocked for 1 year on the Ethereum smart contract.
• The number of available tokens is limited (Hard Cap). If the token sale will reach this limit, the token release will be stopped. Hard Cap is equal to 24,770 ETH.
• Token Sale # 4 will last 31 days, if previously not achieved hard Cap.
• Tokens that will not be sold in token sales, will be automatically burned.
• Token purchased at all stages,
Wtitter By : yuni52
ETH: 0x74E059FEcCE332dd6E34dC6080eE4E9a51060d2c
Aworker is a blockchain platform for hiring. Aworker is intended to disrupt the recruitment market, where volume in 2016 amounted to 429 billion dollars. With the help of WORK tokens and Ethereum blockchain technology, Aworker will help people find better jobs, and companies to choose the most competent employees.
Aworker is made to help:
1. Companies hire the best candidates and reduce the cost per hire.
Aworker uses Blockchain technology to create:
1. P2P platform for personnel recruitment. With the power of smart contracts, it is possible to change the rules of recruitment, when others recommend candidates and all participants from the critical stage receive wages.
2. System reputation, That will prove a specialist qualification. WORK token coin worker. WORK tokens associated with hiring employees in the company. Companies will have to spend a WORK token to find and hire an employee.
The number of tokens is limited. Companies will receive applications to hire and communicate with candidates. HR managers will be able to create vacancies, employ smart contract opportunities, Blockchain will provide more reliable information about applicants, who are now lacking in firms.
Problems There are several major difficulties in FFI in the recruitment and job search process:
1. Difficult to hire good employees
2. On FFI difficulties in assessing candidates
3. High fees for recruitment
4. Workers have difficulty finding good jobs
5. Companies use data on people's professional skills free of charge Solution Aworker We create decentralized and reliable solutions for companies based on Ethereum blockchain with smart contract.
Our solutions consist of job market, skills verification and reputation independent rating. Employees get the opportunity to find work on their networks, skills and professional accomplishments. Companies gain access to decentralized Ranking and verified skills through smart contracts.
The purpose of the Aworker
1. To create a global ecosystem of decentralization for companies and workers, which will help to find the best employees and recommend friends for the right open positions.
2. To create a universal decentralization system of employee appraisal and reputation for the whole world.
3. To create a simple and reliable tool to verify the reputation for multiple clicks.
4. To enable people to make money on their skills to have additional motivation for development («improve professional skills»).
5. To create a decentralized ecosystem that will provide additional employees and motivation for development.
6. To enable an employee to be the best in the professional field.
7. To introduce the advantages of a smart contract Etherealum for the real world.
This Aworker User There are four types of users in Aworker:
1. Employees - people who work for a company or find a job. An employee can respond to vacancies and include information about skills, competencies or work experience. Every month, an employee can engage in decentralization of the Aworker Rank.
2. A worker - the most proactive and qualified user of the app. She has more proven skills and high reputation recommendations from employees. Aworkers can recommend their acquaintances to open vacancies, check employee skills and evaluate potential ratings. The aworker reputation will depend on the results.
3. HR managers - company representatives who can inform about open vacancies, assessment views and employee ratings. The HR manager will be able to track Aworker job seekers within the app, communicate with them, have access to ratings and verified skills.
4. Employer - employee employee front. One can get «manager» status after being confirmed by three employees of the company. The manager will be able to choose for company employees (or other employees), but his / her voice will be the same as any aworker sound.
Managers will have the ability to write reviews about employees. How it works The aworker will be able to receive wages for recommendations every time he / she gets acquainted with a job in the company. The whole process will be open to the employee, and he will always be able to see the recruitment stage. In this case, the candidate search process becomes P2P, when other network users look for decent candidates for the company and recommend them.
Rewards rewards among participants of the recruitment process at Aworker distributed: 50% got the person who recommended the best candidate 20% got the best candidates the company chose 10% got people who came for interview 10% got Aworker platform So, all of the most qualified people receive the remuneration and aworkers who recommend them. Special Features Aworkers with high reputation (over 30 points) will have access to the individual working conditions with the company.
In fact, a reputable aworker can help companies find remote employees. The company is interested in their users: They understand people; They recommended candidates who had been recruited;
They can analyze and make inferences about specialists. Companies will be able to work in two directions with known aworkers:
1. To create exclusive vacancies with the best rewards for reputable aworkers. This is relevant for people looking for a higher quality position.
2. To make a vacancy with a payment for the recommendation. When rewards are paid not for a closed job, but for the recommendation itself. The following fee rewards for the recommendation will be less than for a closed position, but prizes will be guaranteed. Skills Decentralized Verification System Using Verification Skills, employees will be able to: · Receive a reward for their proven skills. · Increase their competence in the eyes of HR managers. · To use the Building Decentralization Reputation that will confirm a person's real skills on a global scale.
Aworker will make a transparent verification system has credibility among the companies. It will be decentralized, universal, transparent, and will o ff er the list of employee skills suitable for the job.

What can be verified An employee can confirm two types of data:
1. skills that prove the value of the employee and ultimately may be of interest to the company. For example, foreign language knowledge, advanced training courses, knowledge of professional tools and programming languages, etc. Skills tests are required using documents (certificates, videos, etc.) and the voice of the community.
2. Work experience and education. An employee's company is used for work, and the projects he / she used to engage in mentioned. This is another chance to receive the prize. Case: John's Verification Skills add information that he has «English: Upper-Intermediate» skills. He attached a certificate from an English school confirming this.
He sends the skills to verify and spend the WORK tokens. The aworkers community affirms John's skills in 14 days. John and the aworkers who confirmed the skills get the token WORK back.
Controversial situation If there are 2 or more candidates for the same vacancy equal to the total efficient FFI coefficient calculated with the results of the assessment and skills verified, an employee with a strong reputation is preferred.
If there are 2 or more candidates for the same vacancy having the same efficient FFI coefficient and the same level of reputation, the employee with a good assessment of the results is preferred.
If the coefficient of Total coe FFI, reputation level, and assessment results are the same, the decision must be made by the sign holder. Anti-fraud system We consider the possibility of fraud cases and develop antifraud systems.

For security reasons, we have some options to help minimize fraud issues, such as:
1. An employee must show his / her account on social networks and workplaces;
2. Personality of an authorized manager to confirm data to be examined carefully. This person must have three verifications of the company's employees;
3. Integration with decentralization of the Civic identity verification tool to reduce the risk of dishonest user registration;
4. Users with suspicious social networks and site pages will be blocked until data is confirmed;
5. Suspicious behavior of each participant (employee or manager) will be monitored by our system.
Technological Motivation to use Blockchain technology In determining non-functional requirements for the Aworker platform, we have made the conclusion that it must provide transparency in decision making, it must also be stable and secure , prolonged, scalable and should promote open settings for user motivation. Blockchain technology can help to implement these basic rules, it was chosen as the default platform for Aworker realization. This platform should be decentralized.
The network has no central manage, all Aworker platform nodes are the same. Transparency in decision making. At any time, information about ratings and votes is acceptable, it will help to ensure in the honesty of decisions taken. Stable and secure. This platform must provide stable operation at any time period, it must be resistant to hacker attacks and to ensure the safe storage of user data. Can be extended. The Aworker platform should provide a set of interfaces for the execution of services, which use this platform. Scalable. Network productivity should not fall, if there is an increase in the number of users and the addition of resources. Beneficial for the devotees.
The internal economy of this application to enable users to gain tangible benefits and motivate potentially new members to join the platform.
Distribution of remuneration to market participants This entry was posted in Uncategorized Tags:
1.HR-corporate managers create vacancies, send messages to network participants.
2. For every user who wants to recommend a friend (who responds to a message), a unique link is formed upon request.
3. This system identifies users who have been authorized by referrals that respond to vacancies and subscriptions to notifications of user status changes.
4. When the status of a user changes to "Accepted", the reward between key participants is automatically distributed, using smart contracts after their request. Employee skill confirmation This smart contract provides transparent procedures to demonstrate their ability to each employee.
Employee skills are deemed confirmed only after the minimum number of people is collected.
The minimum number of persons must conform to the following three conditions:
1. Minimum of 100 voters;
2. The difference between the majority and minority of persons exceeds 20%;
3. The total prizepool awarded to the winner is a minimum of + 10% for shares of each member of the majority.
4. Employees, who wish to obtain public confirmation skills, initiate contacts by sending messages about adding new skills by referring to supporting documents (or documents).
5. Service users, expressing a desire to check Employee skills (for example, as they have skills like themselves) Compilation of employees This employment rankings, taking into account the views of aworkers. ·
The employee committee of the launch of a smart contract by submitting a form indicating that he / she wants to participate in the rating. · Aworkers, in response to Workers who place employee appraisals on a 10-point scale. At this stage, all received information is stored in the Mongo DB database. Stack technology and top-level architecture The application is built on the basis of the Ethereal platform and protocol for the storage of distributed IPFS files. Data about transactions, made in the platform, are stored in blockchain. Based on the listed technology, the implementation of the business-logic layer (domain logic layer) is built: intelligent contract interactions, frontend, file storage management systems, etc.
The Aworker platform provides opportunities for interaction between APIs and resources such as Indeed, Monster, etc. It is necessary to identify uniquely platform users through accounts in professional social networks, in addition to incorporating existing site capabilities with the Aworker platform. For the above-node platform realization, Ethereal is a platform for making decentralized applications, based on blockchain technology. This platform o ff ers the possibility of implementing smart contract on Turing-Completed static Solidity typed language. For the Aworker platform, community blockchain Ethereum will be used. · IPFS is a protocol for the storage of distributed files.
The system makes it possible to store user documents, which confirm their skills and achievements, not on the central service, but in distributed storage. · Civic is a platform for verifying the decentralization of user personalities on the Internet. This will avoid duplicate invalid accounts in the Aworker platform and accounts created to implement fraudulent schemes. · Solidity is a high-level language for writing smart contracts and executing them in Ethereum virtual machines. All contracts from the Aworker platform will be implemented with the help of the Solidity language. · FFL e Tru is a framework for developing and testing smart contracts. · NodeJS is an event-oriented programming language meant for writing backend. · Web3js - is the API to work with the Ethereum-blockchain network.
Street Map Stage
1: Aworker Alpha. Disconnection of private cabinet users Phase
2: Developing personal account for companies and Marketplace Job Stage
3: Integration into blockage and audit security Verification Skills Stage
4: Development of blockage based Ethereum Ranking Stage
5: Development of company advertising cabinet Stage
6: Enterprise application development Stage
7: Development of Awareness APIs and mobile applications Stage
8: Development of a recommendation system The International Labor Organization (ILO) ).
In 2017 LinkedIn is claimed to have approximately 467 million registered users. LinkedIn users potential Aworker users. The market volume of FFI sta by Analyst Sta FFI ng Industry is $ 429 billion. The average cost of replacing one specialist in the United States is around $ 8000. Below is a graph showing the increase in the number of LinkedIn. users for the last 7 years according to statistically.
Applications for employees
1. Will make the job search easier and select the most appropriate company;
2. Will build the reputation of a trusted employee;
3. Will provide an opportunity to increase rewards;
4. Will advise each employee on the more efficient development e FFI (on behavioral and performance analysis);
5. Will provide an opportunity to purchase products partnered with big discounts. Decentralization and Blockchain will enable employees to have the following opportunities: Marketplace Jobs: An employee will have the opportunity to recommend vacancies for friends getting rewarded for a successful recommendation (get a job or go to an interview).
See paragraph 3.3 for details. System Skill Verification: An employee will have the opportunity to add the skills he / she owns and get a reward for a confirmed skill. Rating: An employee will have the opportunity to be assessed by an independent system for specialists and get the prize of being the best specialist in the country. See paragraph 3.5 for details. Special ers o ff for А-List: An employee will have access to special o ff from partner.
We want to create an ecosystem capable of providing employees with better opportunities for personal development.
Applications for companies
1. Will provide access to a reliable database of employees (ratings, verified skills, professional competence assessments, feedback);
2. Will automate routine work while renting;
3. It will be possible to find new employees in the app. Decentralization and Blockchain will enable companies to have the following opportunities: Job Marketplace. The HR manager will create vacancies so that Aworker employees or users have the opportunity to recommend their friends. See paragraph 3.3 for a detailed description of the Marketplace Work. Our privilege is to provide an opportunity to get to all users of the application not only to company employees unlike today.
Automation of the recruitment process. This is an application to keep records of applicants. It keeps a record of communication with the candidate. It monitors the effectiveness of HR managers. It communicates directly with candidates from one private cabinet. Database. HR managers will be able to check applicants in a unique database, Aworker Assessment, and see the professional abilities of confirmed candidates. This will help HR managers to rank candidates and make informed decisions based on information from the Ethereum blockchain. Advertising. HR managers will be able to use Aworker as an additional source to attract applicants.
A company will be able to advertise employees with confirmed professional skills. All payments will be given in WORK tokens. A share of the rewards will be compensated to employees with appropriate professional skills. Selling token Aworker
Token Sales (WORK) to support and develop the Awarenessum blockchain.
Participants who wish to support this project will be able to purchase a WORK token for ETH.
The number of work tokens is limited.

Sales of the WORK token will last for 4 sales signs:
Token Sale # 1,
Token Sale # 2,
Token Sale # 3.
Token Sale # 4.
Publish and sell the WORK Ethereum smart contract.
• Participants who wish to support the awards. The FFI o group of projects.
• Currency received: ETH, BTC.
• Token team members will be blocked for 1 year on the Ethereum smart contract.
• The number of available tokens is limited (Hard Cap). If the token sale will reach this limit, the token release will be stopped. Hard Cap is equal to 24,770 ETH.
• Token Sale # 4 will last 31 days, if previously not achieved hard Cap.
• Tokens that will not be sold in token sales, will be automatically burned.
• Token purchased at all stages,
Wtitter By : yuni52
ETH: 0x74E059FEcCE332dd6E34dC6080eE4E9a51060d2c
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