MindSport-IO is an Online Game Platform

Mindsports is a decentralized social gaming platform supported by smart contracts and Ethereal blockades for intellectual sports like chess, poker, and go. Mindspot aims to eliminate the need to trust a single host running a centralized platform. The traditional online mind-exercise platform has a centralized host for managing communications and ensuring the platform works correctly. This requires players to place trust on the host and ensure they have the tools to run the platform adequately. The purpose of MindSports IO is to create a "measurable, decentralized and secure" product for any transaction.

We strive to create a tough and vibrant community of players by providing incentives not just game participation, but also high quality user-generated content to the public. Such incentives will increase enthusiasm and awareness not only for this platform but also healthy and entertaining games as well as games around communities.

Supported by Ethereal Blockchain, MindSports aims to eliminate the need to trust a single-party host running a centralized platform. MindSports provides an opportunity for users to organize their own online tournaments and games. For players to play sports and win tokens. So viewers can bet on in-play or pre-play events. And in the game is divided into three things

Game Host: Who receives MIND tokens based on the number of participants following the game and the token pool.
> Play Game: Challenge your opponent, discuss the game you want to play and learn more than ten
                          intellectual matches.

> Bet on Game: Guaranteed pre-play and in-play token betting is available for players and
                                    viewers. so we do not just be the player just to get token but
                                    viewers can also get tokens by bet on games
Proceed token
5% Security
60% Product Development
10% Marketing
10% Admin and General
15% Mindsports Tournament
Allocation of Token
70% Token Sale (35 Million MIND Token)
15% Team and Advisor
5% Foundation
THINK 5% MindSports Fight
5% Development
The Role of Decentralized Tokens Mind Sports Game Hosting and Betting

Symbol: MIND

Token Type: ERC 20 Tokens on Ethereal Blockchain

Supply: 50.000.000 MIND

Sale: 35,000,000 MIND

The Escrow Fund Fund is secured in a multi-signature escrow account

Bonus Schedule 20% of token purchase account

Emission Level No New Token will be created

Price 1000 MIND = 1 ETH

Expected Sales


December 2017 - Jan 2018

Destination Minimum 2,000 ETH

Goal Maximum 30,000 ETH

The core team

ISLAND KON, FM, Co-Founder & CTO


LASZLO MARI, Architect BlockChain

LAW WAI CHUN, Developer of Solidity

SZABOLCS PASZTOR, Full Stack Developer

WE HOPE !, Solidity Developer

Advisory Board

GEOFFREY BORG, CEO of FIDE, IMSA Executive Director


VINCENT WONG, IM, Master International XiangQi

The first understanding of MindSports for more information click the link shown below:

Official Website: https://www.mindsports.io
Writter By : yuni52


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