BOUNTY CREDITS — The Next Generation of Financial Industry.

 We are putting forth our members an aggregate assignment of 2% from our general token supply.
The aggregate number of tokens available for use may fluctuate, contingent upon the genuine sum raised amid Token Sale;We are putting forth our members an aggregate assignment of 2% from our general token supply.

The aggregate number of tokens available for use may fluctuate, contingent upon the genuine sum raised amid Token Sale;

Soft cap for the 1st round of ICO is 80 000 ETH,
Hard cap for the 1st round of ICO is 120 000 ETH,
But in any case 2% of tokens will still be designated to the bounty campaign
1 600–2400 ETH
1 ETH = 3 000 CREDITS (CS)


We declare our bounty program open! If you join our campaign in the Bonus period for early birds you will receive:
6 Oct. — 31 Oct. Bonus + 20% to all your stakes
1 Nov. — 10 Nov. Bonus + 10% to all your stakes

New open stage CREDITS for creation and administration of money related administrations on the premise of the blockchain/record. The one of a kind arrangement of building a blockchain enables you to manufacture money related administrations with fast exchange handling up to 1 million every second and normal speed exchange preparing in 3 seconds. Attributes really opens up new chances to utilize the blockchain innovation in the budgetary part.

 Our dates:
• ICO: Date to be declared later, toward the finish of pre-ICO which will be toward the finish of October. The start of ICO is booked for about the finish of November, stay tuned!_____________________________________________________

Bounty Campaign Token Allocation:

Overall Bounty:
4 800 000–7 200 000 CS (equals ~ 1 600–2 400 ETH)

Signature campaign 30%
1 440 000–2 160 000 CS (~ 480–720 ETH)

Facebook campaign 15%
720 000–1 080 000 CS (~ 240–360 ETH)

Twitter campaign 15%
720 000–10 80 000 CS (~ 240–360 ETH)

Blogs / News / Video Content campaign 20%
960 000–1 440 000 CS (~ 320–480 ETH)

Translation / Community Admin campaign 15%
720 000–1 080 000 CS (~ 240–360 ETH)

Telegram campaign 5%
240 000–360 000 CS (~ 80–120 ETH)

What are stakes?

Example: Twitter battle members will get stakes each week amid the crusade. Toward the finish of the battle every part’s abundance measure of CS tokens will be ascertained along these lines:
Total amount of Facebook Campaign CS tokens / Total amount of all bounty campaign participant’s stakes) * Member’s stakes
F.e.: (720 000 / 10 000) * 135 = 9 720 CS (~ 962,30 USD)
Note: The USD value is the value calculated to the current ETH value (~300$). 1 CS equals 0.00033 ETH. Your bounty will be paid in CS tokens.

• We reserve the right to limit the amount of participants for any of the campaigns.
• We reserve the right to change the conditions of our bounty campaign.
• Only one account per one person.
• Using multi-accounts, cheating and spamming is not allowed.
• We will validate everything we consider to be fake or scam and we reserve the right to remove you from any campaign at any time if we think you are not honest, or spam the forum.
• We reserve the right to remove you from any campaign without any explanation.
• In case we remove you from the campaign for any reason, we reserve the right to delete your stakes.
• To participate in CREDITS Bounty campaign, please join CREDITS Telegram chat at
• If you missed the time of the report, we can consider adding your stakes on a next week, but it would be manual and slow process which may took a lot of time.
• If you don’t reach minimum amount of posts/retweets/likes in Twitter/Facebook/Signature campaigns, you will not receive any stake for the current week. We will not remove you from campaign, you can try again next week.
• The distribution of the tokens to bounty participants will happen after the end of ICO. The actual amount of tokens you will get will be determined at the moment of such distribution.

15% of all Bounty Campaign tokens
720 000–1 080 000 CS
240–360 ETH
• ANN thread translate
• White Paper translate
• Site translate
We split dialects into two gatherings Priority and Additional. We might want to focus on converting into Priority Languages first. It is adequate for one individual to interpret whitepaper, site and declaration string, yet you should be quick.

To participate:

1. Join CREDITS telegram:
2. Fill in that form: LINK
3. Check this spreadsheet for additional information as spots fill up: Spreadsheet
Feel free to ask any questions in CREDITS telegram channel.


• Site: 100 Stakes
• ANN thread: 150 Stakes for Priority language, 130 Stakes for Additional Language
• Whitepaper: 200 Stakes for Priority language, 170 Stakes for Additional Language
• Moderation/Management ANN: 5 Stakes per Valid Post

Priority Languages:

• Chinese Simplified : (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Korean : (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Japanese : (ANN , Whitepaper)
• Spanish : (ANN , Whitepaper)
• German : (ANN , Whitepaper)
• Indonesian : (ANN , Whitepaper)

Additional Languages:

• Vietnamese : (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Romanian : (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Portuguese : (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Dutch : (ANN , Whitepaper)
• Italian : (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Bulgarian : (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Slovenian : (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Thai : (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Danish : (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Greek : (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Hindi : (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Polish : (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Russian: (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Swedish: (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Turkish: (ANN, Whitepaper)
• French: (ANN, Whitepaper)
• Filipino: (ANN, Whitepaper)

Rules and Terms:

• Translations need to be proper in grammar and vocabulary.
• Translations must be original, no Google translate. If we will find that the text is translated with the help of automated translation tools, translator will be blacklisted, and no payments will be made
• We do not need any Single Post Dead Thread. If you failed to keep the thread active and up to date, your reward can be reduced to 50% of the actual payment or you could simply be disqualified.
• If there will be a lot of mistakes in translation, translator will be blacklisted, and no payments will be made
• Translators must do both ANN and WP.
• Translators are expected to remain engaged in discussion about CREDITS on an thread specific to their language.
• Translations have to be done professionally.
• For stake counting, only the posts of the OP are counted towards Moderation activity.



20% of all Bounty Campaign tokens
960 000–1 440 000 CS
320–480 ETH
Blog posts, articles and videos campaign. Content bounty will be distributed to the creators of the posts, reviews and press releases about CREDITS.
Anyone can participate just create a 500+ words long text about CREDITS and publish it on your website. The better your text is the more stakes you will receive.
Before you start writing please complete this campaign participation form to let us know your details and also know the website(s) on which you are going to publish your text.
Remember that before the stakes are awarded to you, the text must be approved

To participate:

1. Join CREDITS telegram:
2. Fill in that form: LINK
3. Check this spreadsheet for additional information as spots fill up: Spreadsheet
Feel free to ask any questions in CREDITS telegram channel.


All blogs and media content will be divided into 4 different categories, and will be rewarded as follows:
• Exellent: 150 Stakes
• Good: 100 Stakes
• Medium: 70 Stakes
• Normal: 40 Stakes

Rules and Terms:

• All texts must be published online and accessible to everyone.
• Your text must be unique.
• We don’t allow websites with no audience or new websites; the website where you choose to publish your text, must be at least 2 months old and must have user activity.
• Your text must consist of 500 words at least.
• Video must be at least 2:00 minute long. Shorter than that will not be accepted.
• Your post must include at least 2 links: to website, CREDITS ICO ANN thread, other CREDITS social media or to the other articles about the project.
• Make sure you have full understanding of the CREDITS platform. Read the CREDITS project
• Whitepaper first you can find it on our website
• All content will be judged on the basis of quality, traffic, views and influence.

Some ideas for the posts:

– Explain the CREDITS architecture. Why it’s unique and beneficial?
– What are the benefits of CREDITS in comparison with competing projects?
– When will CREDITS ICO start and why should one participate?
– Any good texts regarding CREDITS project
– You can conduct an analysis of the Whitepaper, etc.

Please make sure that your text is technically correct, and doesn’t have typos and errors.


5% of all Bounty Campaign
240 000–360 000 CS
80–120 ETH
We are looking for more and more readers, followers and contributors for our upcoming Token Crowd-sale event, and for early supporters we have a lot of bounties, rewards and bonus… Join our Telegram today and be a part of our project and earn CREDITS token as your reward. Payment will be paid along with all other bounties.

To participate:

1. Join CREDITS telegram:
2. Fill in that form: LINK
3. Check this spreadsheet for additional information as spots fill up: Spreadsheet
Feel free to ask any questions in CREDITS telegram channel.


2 Stakes per week for every valid user
Rules and Terms:
• You must join the Telegram channel and stay there till the end of ICO Crowdsale.
• User must be active and supportive in the group. Inactive users can get 50% less payrate or can be simply disqualified.
• Using bad language, spamming, advertising any other service in cryptogene groups not allowed.



15% of all Bounty Campaign
720 000–1 080 000 CS
240–360 ETH


Shares — 3 stakes
Unique Post — 5 stakes

To participate:

1. Join CREDITS telegram:
2. Fill in that form: LINK
3. Check this spreadsheet for additional information as spots fill up: Spreadsheet
Feel free to ask any questions in CREDITS telegram channel.

Rules and Terms:

• Only 1 facebook account per person
• Your Facebook account must have at least 300 real followers / friends.
• You must like and follow the official Facebook page:
• You must like and share at least 5 posts from our Facebook account
• You must make at least 2 unique posts per week with the #credits #creditscoin
• No more 1 reposts and 1 post will be counted per day
• Posts have to be in english.
• Negative trust accounts are not allowed to participate
• Bounty campaign members, who use unfair methods, such as fake Likes and Shares, are to be excluded from bounty campaigns and will not receive rewards.
• Only 1 post on the Bounty Thread which posts you liked/shared, unique posts and provide the link for those before Sunday 23:59 GMT. Otherwise, no stakes will be given. Please do it once each week.
• All posts/reposts will be considered weekly from Monday to Sunday 23:59 GMT

Report #
[Weekly interval]
Link to Facebook account:
Number of friends:
1 (links to your posts about CREDITS)
1 (links to your shares of the CREDITS official facebook account posts)



15% of all Bounty Campaign
720 000–1 080 000 CS
240–360 ETH


Shares — 3 stakes
Unique Post — 5 stakes

To participate:

1. Join CREDITS telegram:
2. Fill in that form: LINK
3. Check this spreadsheet for additional information as spots fill up: Spreadsheet
Feel free to ask any questions in CREDITS telegram channel.

Rules and Terms:

• Only 1 twitter account per person
• Your account must have at least 300 real followers
• You must like and follow the official twitter page:
• You must like and share at least 5 tweets from our twitter account
• You must make at least 2 unique tweet per week with the #credits #creditscoin
• Only 1 tweets and 1 retweet will be counted per day
• Your post/repost news from our official account and do not delete them until the ICO ends
• Only 1 post on the Bounty Thread which tweets you liked/shared, unique tweets and provide the link for those before Sunday 23:59 GMT. Otherwise, no stakes will be given. Please do it once each week.
• All tweets/retweets will be considered weekly from Monday to Sunday 23:59 GMT
Report #
[Weekly interval]
Link to twitter account:
Number of friends:
1 (links to your posts about CREDITS)

1 (links to your shares of the CREDITS official twitter account posts)

Soft cap for the 1st round of ICO is 80 000 ETH,
Hard cap for the 1st round of ICO is 120 000 ETH,
1 ETH = 3 000 CREDITS (CS)

Creation and performance of financial products on the basis of blockchains and smart contracts with quick transactions

The creation of a decentralized sector of financial services on the basis of the participant(s), bypassing specialized financial
institutions such as banks and intermediaries


Popular platforms like Ethereum are not ready for financial transactions due to a slow rate of 0.5–15 minutes and a price of
about 0.02–0.5 dollars per transaction. This is unacceptable for the financial industry.

CREDITS — creates a new platform for the operation of financial products on a unique scheme of building a

blockchain/ledger with smart contracts, which achieves:

• A speed of processing transactions up to 1 million transactions per second
• An average processing time of 3 seconds per transaction
• Very inexpensive processing cost

• Approximately 100 operations per second
• Average processing time of 0.5–15 min
• Cost up to 0.02–0.5 dollars per transaction

CREDITS aims to achieve a performance of 1 million transactions per second, an average processing time of 3 seconds and a mean peak
value of 10 seconds.

The system is a distributed database with the principles of a blockchain/ledger — decentralized management and transfer of digital assets,
invariability of records.
1. Distributed, decentralized storage and open source.
2. Support for public and private networks
3. Each entry is entered into the database of the blockchain/ledger without Merkle trees and sidechains by the processing of consensual
4. Coded in C/C++ with OOP principals — has the ability to build other compilers
5. Permissions set at the transaction level
6. The system is scalable (as the number of nodes increases, the number of transactions
processed per unit of time increases)
7. Transactions are added to the block for later consensus
8. Consensus model: federal with a mechanism for resolving most nodes with the permission to make a decision.
9. Virtual machine (VM) is used for executing smart contracts. Each contract executes in a separate isolated environment for increased
security in VM, development is allowed in script languages (for example, JavaScript), extended work with the calendar and scheduler
10. PoW (Proof-of-work) + PoC (Proof-of-Capacity). Coins are issued in advance for a certain amount.

Bitcoin — payment system and money unit. The task is only to pass from one user to another. Slow blockchain

Similar: public blockchain/ledger, the internal cryptocurrency

Differences CREDITS: fast blockchain/ledger, the availability of smart contracts, orientation on the financial sector, supports
different currencies

Ethereum — emphasis on the creation of smart contracts and recording them in the blockchain. All else is solved through the use of
third-party services. Oriented for all industries. Slow blockchain

Similar: smart contracts, internal cryptocurrency

Differences CREDITS: another quick blockchain/ledger, supports different currencies, uses an internal system of calculations,
focused on the financial sector

Ripple — only used as a settlement system and currency exchange. Closed for developers and companies

Similar: fast blockchain/ledger, a system settlement for different currencies, focused on the financial sector

Differences CREDITS: the availability of smart contracts, an open developers platform, any company can connect to the platform

What is CREDITS?
New open platform CREDITS for creation and management of financial services on the basis of the blockchain/ledger
The unique system of building a blockchain allows you to build financial services with high speed transaction processing up to 1 million
per second and average speed transaction processing in 3 seconds. CREDITS truly opens up new opportunities to use the blockchain technology
in the financial sector.



Blockchain with up to 1 000 000
transaction per second


Average processing time is 3 second
per transaction.



Very low cost of translation.

CREDITS platform offers new and unique technical implementation of blockchain technology, smart contracts, data protocol and has
its own internal cryptocurrency.

It is a platform with completely new technical network capabilities, speed, cost of transactions and total number of operations per second.

It is an open platform which means that users and companies can create online services that implement the blockchain protocol.

We offer a new product for users. We designed new features by creating new algorithm to search for a consensus; a new scheme registry; an
algorithm for processing and maintaining transaction — based solutions for finite state machines based on the model of Federal voting

The CREDITS platform offers a solution to low speeds and high transaction costs. It expands the potential which blockchain technology has
for the financial industry and the Internet of Things.


Distributed, decentralized storage and open
source code. Support for public and private


Each record is entered into the blockchain of
the block-less database without Merkle trees
and sidechaines by processing consensual


Forming of blocks
Set permissions at the transaction level.
Transactions are added to the block for the
subsequent finding of a consensus on the
algorithm for finding the solution of the finite
state machine


Consensus model
Consensus model: federal with a mechanism
for resolving most nodes with permission to
make a decision.


Smart contracts
Each smart contract is performed in a
separate isolated virtual machine
environment, allowing development in script
languages ??
extended work with
the calendar, scheduled



The system is scalable (as the number of
nodes increases, the number of transactions
processed per unit of time increases). The
lack of PoW protocol (Proof-of-work). Coins
are issued in advance in a certain amount

Technical features
.FeaturesCREDITSBitcoinEthereum.Blockchain and Smart Contracts.• Transaction Speed• 1 000 000 transaction per second (up to)• 10 transaction per second• 500 transaction per second (up to).• Block Interval• 3 seconds (average)• 10 minutes• 15 secondss.• Block Size• Dynamic• 1 Mb• Dynamic.• Consensus Algorithm• modified FA(Federated Agreement + PoW + PoC)• Proof of Work• Proof of Work.• Flexible configured blockchain• Yes• No• No.• Coins• CREDITS• Bitcoin• Ether.• Smart contacts• Yes• No• Yes.• Blockchain type• public, private• public• public.• Turing-complete code for developing smart contracts• JS equal language• Non-systematic• Solidity, Serpent,etc.• Decision Making Process• Democratic Congress (One node=One vote)• Non-systematic• Non-systematic.• Speed executing contracts• 100 000 transaction per second (up to)• Non-systematic• 100 transaction per second (up to).• User technical features.• Crypto algorithm• Symmetric-key algoritdm +• Asymmetric-key algoritdm• Asymmetric-key algoritdm.• asymmetric-key algoritdm.• Using third-party systems• Yes• No• No.• Allow create own application• Yes• No (very hard)• Yes.• API• Yes• No• Yes

.• Storage, Consensus
 mFA Consensus• FA : Key Design
 Implementation• mFA : Key Design
 Implementation,PoW + PoC• mFA Optimization–• optimisation.• Data Store• Decentralization Ledger, NoSQL
 Store implementation• MessagePack History• Blockchain backup — .• CVM (Credits virtual
 machine)• Design and Implementation• Integration witd ecosystem• Optimization• check errors–.• tdird-party system–• Design and Implementation• integrate to full system–• optimisation.• Inference Engine• Formal Specification and
 Key Design Elements• Reasoner Integration with
 Blockchain• Reasoner Optimization — .• User interface• Implementation• Web UX design — –.• Wallet• Wallet Formal specification–• UX design Application
 Test• Android, iOS,
 Desktop Wallets–.• RPC and REST API• Formal specification• Blockchain Explorer–• third-party explorer–

Project Team
Chugunov Igor
CEO & Founder
Education: Banking. Experience:
12 years, including IT projects,
bank and credit internet services,
affiliate marketing company
for banks
and PDL companies. Experience
withblockchain business: 2 years.
From 2016 working at the CREDITS

Evgeniy Butyaev
Education: Engineer (software
development). Software
development experience: more than
10 years. Experience with blockchain
more than 3 years, including
European organizations — various
solutions based on blockchain for
different customers including
StateStreet; solutions based on
blockchain in Russia. From 2016 -
working at the CREDITS platform

Valentin Antonov
Team Lead
Education: Programmer. Experience:
more than 10 years as a programmer
and architect building complex and
high-loaded systems for
the financial
and banking sectors. In the
blockchain industry for about
2 years. Qualified in platform

Merejkin Michael
Web Developer
Education: Programmer. Joined the
team in 2016. Specialist in
developing web applications. In this
project he is responsible for
web application. Experience with MS
SQL, understands the functioning of
a relational DBMS. Web-based
applications on

Matushkina Elena
PR manager
Experience in PR for over 7 years.
Promotes brands and products in
media and over the Internet.
Participated in development of a
strategy of presence in social
networks, and continues working to
improve the concept. Content
creation (text, photo, video),
reason for social networks.

Bruce Sadia
Development manager
Education: Master’s in
Communications and International
PR. Working experience over 3 years
in IT sphere with foreign people. She
is responsible for communicating
with foreign partners and
Advisory board

Kyle Wang
Senior Consultant
Cleveland, USA
«The team is exceptional!
CREDITS is a novel approach
and cryptoeconomic innovation
within blockchain»

Michael Kapilkov
Blockchain Advisement
New York
«I am proud to announce that I
have joined ‘CREDITS’​ as an ICO
Advisor» Founder Healthi,
CoFounder Altcoinz, CoFounder

Elie Galam
Bancor Foundation
Financial Advisor
New York
Chief Investment Officer at
Eastmore Group, Advisor to
Legolas Exchange and Gimli

Artjom Aminov
Blockchain architect
at F&L Galaxy, inc
London, United Kingdom
Developer and architecture of
high-availability server-side
applications based on
blockchain technologies.

Tyler Perry-Smith
Investor, Enthusiast
Savitr Capital
San Francisco
«CREDITS can be the catalyst
that takes blockchain
functionality to mainstream
business operations!»

Jacob Salvador
Investor & Trader
Blockchain Specialist
Oslo, Norway
Experienced Investment
professional in the venture
capital and private equity
industry. Skilled in Blockchain

Christophe Ozcan
technical — Expert
CEO & Co-founder at Crypto4All,
Blockchain Ecosystem Advisor
at Rockchain, Blockchain
commission member at AFNOR

Presentation / ICO

The first stage is scheduled for Q4 2017.
Do not miss these opportunities, please stay connected in our social channels, and first let you know about the updates.
banner in start page media portal —

Writter : yuni52


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