Decentralized Ethics e-Book Platform

EthBooks is an e-book store that focuses on cryptococcal topics. Publishers can upload their work for free in the appropriate store section.
Buyers on the other hand can search, review and purchase ebook related to their interest subject.The EthBooks store will be a one stop shop for people searching for sufficient, detailed and quality information on various cryptoes.
The platform uses blockchain and personal token (EBK) technology based on the smart Ethereum eco-contract system for EthBooks transactions.
The store is web-based and application-based. This app will soon be available for free on the Play Store, Apple Store and Windows Store.
EthSquad will also be merged, a system built by the EthBooks team to help protect crypto books published without piracy.
We also plan to introduce our own EthReader which will provide the best reading experience.EBook's price on EthBooks is decided by the publisher.

The publisher is entitled to 85% royalties for each successful sale. EthBooks will generate 15% for every eBook sale. This will help in the expansion of Ethnic, marketing and staff budgets.
According to Statista data on ebooks, ebooks sold 1.35billion sold back between 2010 to 2016 in the US alone, with a copy of 221 million sold in 2016.

We are targeting a sizeable market share in every country. With the growing interest in cryptococcus, e-book sales at EthBooks will surely explode as more people seek quality information under one roof.

What you need to know about ICO

EBK token sales are scheduled to begin on September 18 and end on October 20 or when a 42,500 ETH close lid is reached. Whatever comes first.

The currency of the crowds will become Ethereum. During crowdsale, you will receive 2000 EBK for every 1 ETH you rely on. Our softcap is 1500 ETH. If softcap is not achieved, all funds will be returned to investors.A maximum of 100,000,000 EBK tokens will ever exist.85.000.000 token EBK will be sold during crowdsale.10,000,000 of them will be saved as backup.5.000.000 EBK will be set aside for bounty, advisor and support program.Any remaining / unsold tokens will be burned once ICO is complete.The EBK Token will be delivered to you in less than 48 hours after investing.We expect EBK to be listed on several high-volume exchanges shortly after the end of the ICO.

Discounts for early investors:Day bonus # 1: 20% (2400 EBK / ETH)Day # 2-7: 10% Bonus (2200 EBK / ETH)Day # 8-14: Bonus 5% (2100 EBK / ETH)Day # 15-31: no bonus (2000 EBK / ETH)

Road Map

Meet Team
  The secret to a great product is the team behind it

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Sebastian Lucas- CEO & Founder

Sebastian is the idea behind EthBooks. After graduating from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Engineering, he later became the leader of IBM's Global Business Practices for Application Innovation Services throughout Asia Pacific, which includes Complex System Integration, Application Development, BPM , Interactive, Emerging Technologies and Cloud Solutions.

Sebastian is also a senior blockchain technology advisor to several banks in the Gulf region.

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Giovanni O'Brien- CFO

  From his humble care in the port city of Livorno in Italy, Giovanni worked hard to finally pursue the prestigious Masters in Finance & Economics from Milan University. He later joined Ducati Group, a well-known superbike producer as Senior Finance Officer where he focused on budget management and reporting, data analysis, payroll administration and delivery of returns and reconciliation.

Giovanni brings with you the necessary experience and skills at EthBooks. He is also a proactive advocate to earn money value and continuous improvement at all times. He also has the responsibility to monitor and control the system of recording adequate financial transactions and to ensure the accuracy of financial information in EthBooks. Giovanni also represents the finance department of the designated project team as needed.

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Garvin Stuart - Chief Advisor

After completing his PhD at Applied Mathematics & Statistics from the University of Melbourne, Garvin immediately joined the Australian Bureau of Statistics as Senior Advisor on the Division of Infrastructure Development of Statistics Transformation. Currently, Garvin works as a blockchain adviser for technology startups across Australia and New Zealand.

He is also involved in Tech23, a national forum for Australian technology superstar and an upcoming talent to connect, collaborate and celebrate home-based innovations.

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Matthew Conrad- Lead Developer

Matthew began studying programming at an early age 17. He later joined Imperial College London where he graduated with an MSc in Computing (Software Engineering). Mathew has 14+ years of experience in software development, 9+ years in mobile development and 4+ years in blockchain development.

Some of the programming languages he understands include: Swift, Objective-C, Java, React.js, JavaScript, AngulaJS, PHP, Node.js, Ruby on Rails, C ++ and many others. He is also a great front-end and back-end developer, a useful skill in EthBooks.

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Yoshi Kanako-CMO

Yoshi is a self-motivated team player with exemplary leadership qualities and excellent interpersonal skills. He graduated from Tokyo Business School with a Global Marketing Management degree. He has 12 years experience in marketing and customer relationship management. Its role in EthBooks is to devise policies and strategies aimed at increasing EthBooks' customer base and increasing brand awareness, ROI and shareholder values consistently through effective business development, sales and marketing initiatives.

Yoshi is a strategic-minded executive with diverse experiences in Fortune 100 companies, midsize businesses and startups.

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Leanne Santos-Chief Legal CounselLeanne is a graduate of the São Paulo Law School in Brazil. He has worked as a Legal Counsel for Oracle where he provides legal support across all lines of business that enables profitable growth while reducing legal risks and ensuring compliance with policies, ethics, and laws and regulations in certain countries.Leanne conducts litigation on behalf of EthBook and coordinates litigation and other legal, administrative and investigative actions handled by external advisors. He has in-depth knowledge of corporate law in general, antitrust / competition law, compliance and securities regulations, employment law, immigration law, cloud transactions, data privacy, asset-backed risk management, contract management, intellectual property , trade secrets, advertising laws, registrations and other resolutions specific to the computer and technology industries.

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Jiang Maoling-Blockchain Developer

Born in Kowloon City, Hongkong, Jiang worked hard in his studies to eventually join the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology to pursue BSc in Computer Science. He then moved to Shenzhen, Guangdong, China to work at Tencent Holdings, the world's fifth-largest internet company with revenues as a Senior PHP Developer.

Born in Kowloon City, Hongkong, Jiang worked hard in his studies to eventually join the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology to pursue BSc in Computer Science. He then moved to Shenzhen, Guangdong, China to work at Tencent Holdings, the world's fifth-largest internet company with revenues as a Senior PHP Developer.

for more information

author  :  yuni52;u=1100435


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