SPHERE - Transparency, Privacy Protection and Better Data.

Good night I want to discuss a very great ico project SPHERE, I am sure once you join the success will be there for you, let us discuss together..!!!
Technological explosions and new advances in science have played an important role in making our lives efficient and comfortable. The Internet has become a major medium of communication and entertainment worldwide. One of the channels that should grow and grow a lot is the SOCIAL MEDIA or NETWORK. Some social network names include Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
What is Social Media / Network? (some from WIKIPEDIA)
Social media / Network is a computer-based technology that manages the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression through virtual communities and networks. These are websites and apps that allow users to create and share content or to participate in social networks. Simply put, this is a website where you can post events, daily activities, likes and shares images.
Getting Media / Social Networks through SPHERE. (some info from https://sphere.social/)
Have you ever felt spending a lot of time on social networking sites? You are just wasting your precious time but not getting anything out of it. Well if we look closely, social media / networking has been used as a tool to advertise products and services to consumers. But who gets rich? Do we get a piece of cake? The answer is NOT big. Companies fatten the pockets, used our data as a bargain and sold it to the highest bidder to fund their operations. If we think about it, online activity and our social media presence help create a multibillion-dollar industry. What about security? Users of these social media sites require security from hacking and cyber attacks. It's time to monetize our social network usage with SPHERE.
SPHERE will be the largest and most trusted decentralized social network in the world. The concept of Sphere revolves around privacy, corporate transparency, and data security that should be the formula for every social networking platform. SAT (Social Activity Tokens) will be the digital currency that will be used in Sphere. It will work as currency within the Sphere ecosystem. SPHERE will use SAT as an incentive and this will be used for transactions made in the network. The network itself is an incentive program for users. SAT tokens are created to make all processes safe and transparent. This will develop a greater sense of trust within the system.
What makes Sphere different from the Mainstream Stream Social Networking Platform?
Transparency, Privacy Protection and Better Data.
Sphere uses blockchain technology which is a more transparent, honest, and open blockchain format that allows each user to store data for data. This is where the chain-block distribution method comes into play that enables the transfer of important and valuable data while protecting user privacy. SPHERE is more a decentralized social media platform that can store multimedia and other data on a secure blockchain instead of using a slower traditional server and vulnerable to hacking and cyber attacks.
Existing product.
Sphere has a product that already exists in the app market like play store and app store. This will be a smooth and easy transition for users and developers.
Target consumers with Ad Campaigns.
It's for companies to help them with their marketing strategies. Although we are at the forefront of all technological advances, old and traditional marketing strategies are still being used. In general, it's just a waste of funds. Using a decentralized social network The innovative Sphere allows companies to interact and target consumers directly, and both parties seek to achieve it. Companies benefit because it ensures that their marketing campaigns reach the desired audience effectively, reducing marketing costs from market strategy. Sphere will create a fully functional ad dashboard that allows users to create ad pieces that will be displayed in the Sphere news feed. They also offer adspace that can be paid by using SAT.
Marketplace settings.
The Sphere social platform contains important ecommerce features. The market will allow users to create products that their followers and friends can view and purchase by using their SAT. (from https://sphere.social/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Sphere_Whitepaper_v1.7.3.pdf) This means you can sell old stuff just by shooting and installing it or sharing it on the network. You can process your sales transactions within the Sphere network. To make it simple, just one click from botton purchase and will be paid by SAT.
Just to sum it all up, SPHERE will stand out from all the other ICOs with the same platform because it already has the product and experience. So any technical problems that will happen can be easily isolated and repaired. I would definitely invest in this platform because not only big companies will try to use a platform that will benefit but also consumers who will be able to make money and earn income from SPHERE usage.
For more information :
Website: https: //www.sphere.social/
Whitepaper: https: //sphere.social/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Sphere_Whitepaper_v1.7.4.pdf
Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/SphereSocialNetwork
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/SphereOfficial1
Telegram: https: //t.me/sphere_official1
Writter By: yuni52
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