The era of the Global Digital Economy (GDE) on the verge of humanity.
Synthesis of new technologies for distributed computing, new ideas
and a new worldview creates a world of the future. SINTEZ - We
synthesize the future!

What is SINTEZ?

SINTEZ is a breakthrough decentralized blockchain platform for the economy of the future that combines
traditional and innovative mechanisms of building economic relations with up-to-date methods of security

Our mission is the synthesis of maximum convenience, security, quality, efficiency, and performance of the
new generation and, as a consequence, of the GDE’s new level of development. SINTEZ is the synthesis of
the economy's future!

What do we do?

The modern economy is a complicated and cumbersome set of relations of manufacturing, exchanging, and consuming of goods,
services, finances, and financial instruments. The key elements of an open economy are banks and management companies,
exchanges, goods and services markets of the real economy, and also their producers. In addition to that, the governments carry
on business operations that are partially secluded but extensive. Most of the said organizations are regulated in a centralized,
nontransparent, bulky manner, have a variety of risks and huge interaction costs that are borne by the users. These fundamental
elements are what we focus on when creating a GDE platform, SINTEZ.

We are making a client-oriented interface that allows any person or enterprise to satisfy their needs in handling finances, such
as saving, investing, depositing/crediting or trading, in a simple, convenient, efficient, and secure way. Apart from that, the
involvement of the market will make it possible, in addition to financial instruments, to sell and buy goods and services without
the need for creating additional accounts, for replenishments, risks, charges, and for waiting. This will allow for significantly
decreasing the barriers for capital and asset flows, and enhancing the efficiency and viability of the emerging GDE. And creation
ofsimple mechanisms of coordination with governmental authorities and organizations will let the users pay and receive salaries,
pay taxes, fines, pay for household services, etc., on a consistent basis.

A natural combination of the previously described elements in one SINTEZ platform contributes to the achievement of our first
goal: the synthesis of maximum convenience for users who get the possibility to build any economic relations in a single place.

 The SINTEZ economy and SINT tokens.

The SINTEZ economy is based on SINT tokens. All the charges of the service (and of third-party participants providing the
platform’s work) will be paid in them. The accumulated funds will be distributed among SINT holders from time to time. That is,
the entire platform is an analogue of a miner with a POS mechanism. SINT holders will be able to vote for SINTEZ‘s parameters
of work and its development, to set the fees and, in the long run, to regulate the entire economy in such a democratic way. SINT
holders will be able to use the tokens to pay for all SINTEZ’s services, and also to earn a profit due to:

  • initial growth of the price after the start of trading at the exchange
  •  long-term growth of the price for tokens
  •  receiving additional tokens distributed via the POS and POV mechanisms (read more about the distribution in the “The Benefit
  •   of SINT Token Holders” section)
  •  New Year gifts for long-term investors!

SINTEZ’s structure of data.

SINTEZ’s database is formed in a transparent way with the aid of unified inter-enclosed “forums”. Forums are elements of
information exchange among two and more participants of the system, and also between the users and the system itself. After
communication of humans with one another, or of a human and the system, the results of such communication are saved into
the database that is based on a system for decentralized storage of data (common database). All the information for verification
and smart contracts will also be stored on the blockchain. Besides, the users themselves can save any information from the
common database on the blockchain if required, with the aid of a simple option in the interface. After that, anyone can restore
the open history and obtain the summarized information on the numerical data if they were present in the exchange.

SINTEZ’s user interface contains elements of history generalization: calculation of the general financial and economic indices for
individual participants and for the whole system, obtaining the history of open dialogues, and so on. This allows each user to get
any detailed information that is of interest for them in a convenient form for the purposes of controlling their activity and the
work of the entire platform, in case if they participate in managing it.

Each process of information exchange among the elements within the platform, between the users and the platform, between
the users and the developers, or among the users, is strictly structured in such a way that the platform itself is the base for a
well-ordered set of relations. The users will be able to participate in communities created especially for each type of activity –
investors, traders, creditors, sellers, consumers of goods and services, etc. Each element of the system will be provided with a
support forum where feedback will be organized, and token owners will be able to discuss the variants of SINTEZ’s development
and to vote for them.


The security of all economic relations has top priority for us. The information security of money transfers is ensured by
blockchain-based cryptographic algorithms, and that of investing, by smart contracts. The possibilities of decentralization are
implemented stage-by-stage, up to complete decentralization of the entire system and elimination of the need to trust anyone.

To ensure economic security, and particularly the security against exchange risks, the first stable and completely decentralized
digital currency was created, which performs the functions of money with maximum efficiency: circulation, saving and
measurement of value. A full description and argumentation can be found below. The rules and mechanisms of work, the general
financial and economic indices of SINTEZ are open for all the users of the system. That is, the system is completely transparent,
and there will be reports published at regular times.

SINTEZ is not owned by any private person or a company. All the information is stored in an encrypted and decentralized form
(and the key information is stored on the blockchain), and checked by way of exchange between different nodes, which ensures
additional security for SINTEZ and the GDE. The combination of information security achieved due to encryption and
decentralization, and economic security achieved by means of implementing the original innovative economic mechanisms
described below, leads up to the second global goal: synthesis of security for the economy of the future.


One of the priorities is to integrate all the complicated economic mechanisms and to manage them via a common simple
interface that can be understood by anyone. The users will be able to efficiently perform complicated actions, such as selection
of the optimal investment strategy, in just a few clicks, without the need to delve into the finer points of trading and the traders’
personalia. To preserve their money, one can simply purchase a secure currency, without exploring the question of the
purchasing rates of exchange for dollars, euros, and yuans. And then they can purchase goods and services in the same currency,
or use it for other purposes. We are going to make the preferences of managing one’s welfare, which are now available for
wealthy people, absolutely available for everyone. SINTEZ will make it possible to remove a number of barriers between people,
financial organizations and markets, countries and regions of the globe.

Coin’s advantages.


Each emitted coin is synthetically backed (by means of the Maker) by a set of currencies in proportions corresponding to the
global economy, that is, as the result, it is 100% backed by the entire global economy. As a consequence, Coin has minimum
currency risks and fulfills the functions of saving better than any fiat currency.

A fundamental difference of Coin from the existing decentralized but no liquid “stablecoins” is the potential of liquidity growth
due to the structure of SINTEZ. All the settlements within the system will be performed in coins, and the platform willsuck money
into itself from any and all sectors of economy like a vacuum cleaner. Considering that liquidity is a fundamental property of
money that ensures efficient exchange, Coin will be real money!
Due to the potentially huge liquidity of Coin, the spread for the buyers and sellers of coins will be minimal, which will eliminate
the barriers for its common usage.

In view of the openness of SINTEZ, each user can check that the number of coins in the system corresponds to the declared
backing in the form of SCM contracts. But an average consumer of Coin will not have to think about its internal structure at all,
it is enough just to use it and to enjoy the stability.

Convenience and security.

Being a token, Coin provides the possibility of using the advantages of decentralization and anonymity in money transfers. The
same as with bitcoin, any user can install the SINTEZ client program with a Coin wallet on their computer, receive and send
money transfers quickly with the aid of a simple interface, without having any contacts or obligations to third persons, only
paying a fee to miners for performing the transaction. But unlike bitcoin, as it is already clear from the aforesaid, Coin has
maximum backing, and its market value will not change much over the course of time. That is, Coin users can carry on business
comfortably in a global currency.


Each emitted coin is synthetically backed (by means of the Maker) by a set of currencies in proportions corresponding to the
global economy, that is, as the result, it is 100% backed by the entire global economy. As a consequence, Coin has minimum
currency risks and fulfills the functions of saving better than any fiat currency.


A fundamental difference of Coin from the existing decentralized but no liquid “stablecoins” is the potential of liquidity growth
due to the structure of SINTEZ. All the settlements within the system will be performed in coins, and the platform willsuck money
into itself from any and all sectors of economy like a vacuum cleaner. Considering that liquidity is a fundamental property of
money that ensures efficient exchange, Coin will be real money!
Due to the potentially huge liquidity of Coin, the spread for the buyers and sellers of coins will be minimal, which will eliminate
the barriers for its common usage.

In view of the openness of SINTEZ, each user can check that the number of coins in the system corresponds to the declared
backing in the form of SCM contracts. But an average consumer of Coin will not have to think about its internal structure at all,
it is enough just to use it and to enjoy the stability.

Information security is a critical advantage. The methods used to ensure it are described below.

Coin’s security.

Special attention is given to the information security of Coin. Possibilities for theft pose the greatest risk for any financial system.
In case of cryptocurrencies or tokens, such a risk can lead to a complete loss of all the money. A number of measures are taken

to eliminate the possible risks:

 Audit from the best white-hat hackers and programmers. Complete check of the code and proving that it cannot be hacked.
Using different methods for preventing DDoS attacks.

 Buying, selling and transferring coins within a preset interval of time since the starting time are limited by the speed. This will
make it impossible to withdraw a significant amount of money in case of crack.

Smart contracts use specialized private oracles, with the aid of which a command can be given to instantly close all the contracts
and to return the money to the participants. This will allow for suspending the work of the system in case of an unforeseen
critical problem (“Black Swan”) during the first year of its work. After the expiry of one year, smart contracts will not react to this
command, and this centralized element will be eliminated.

User protection:
  •  The users can access their accounts with the aid of a private key. The service for personal identification on the blockchain
  • (Civic) is integrated, which will enhance security even more and ensure preservation of individual funds. Personal identification
  • will also be required for transfer of big amounts. The “Escrow” system with a multisignature will allow for confirmation of transfers by a third-party guarantor.
  • For compatibility with third-party software, a wallet owner will be able to backup the private keys to a third-party medium.
  • Only the user will have access to the private keys of the personal accounts. 


The classic problem of investments.

In general, investments are considered vital for stable growth and sustainable development of the global economy. That is why
we pay special attention to this topic. Investing is a challenge. A potential investor must answer a few rather complex questions.
Where can I invest? How can I match my investment preferences with the available tools? How would it be better to manage
the investments — whether to do it by myself or through an intermediary; if with the help of an intermediary — how to choose
them, whom can I entrust my money? To answer each of these questions, you need to make a large research. Security, efficiency,
and success of your investments will depend on your solutions.

In many cases, investors are not professional managers, so they have to rely on third parties, such as investment companies that
act as intermediaries between investors and traders who carry out their trading strategies using outside funds.

Solution — Smart Investing.

The jewel in the crown of SINTEZ is our effective investment solution. We deliver an innovative system —Smart Investing (SINT).
Our user-friendly interface helps investors form a request for fund management and optimally distributes such funds using an
intelligent algorithm. Investors and traders participate in smart contracts within the SINTEZ platform. Smart contracts enable
traders to automatically receive funds to manage. At the end of the management cycle, traders return the funds, and investors
get their money back along with profits.

Below you will find an algorithm which ensures the utmost efficiency, optimization, and security of your investments, as well as
provides professional traders with an opportunity to attract maximum funds and earn maximum profits using their trading
strategies. In this context, a trader is a general term referring to private traders, management companies, investment banks,
hedge funds, and any other organizations engaged in professional asset management.

Broker and traders.

The analogue of a broker enables trading in third-party stock exchanges within the SINT. Traders can trade various instruments
on stock exchanges, which they can access via the broker client, and implement their own strategies with attracted funds under
the control of the SINT (in addition to cryptocurrency exchanges, we plan to add trading platforms dealing with classic assets and
real estate, ICO platforms and an additional tool — Coin Maker). Traders can choose any of the following as their reward: the
desired share of profits and losses (if they have their own funds in their wallets), percentage of the funds managed, fixed daily
reward, and/or one-time payment. In other words, traders can set a flexible reward system and manage their fund attraction
policies. Also, in case of trading in illiquid instruments, he will be able to specify the minimum period for which a refund can be

Since from a point of view of a third-party stock exchange, SINTEZ is a broker and money input/output is performed using
accounts beyond the control of the trader, traders cannot withdraw invested funds anywhere except to their own accounts
within the SINT, if necessary, the system will automatically close certain positions and return the required amount to the
investors (a margin call analogue). It means that the condition of timely return of investments stipulated by the smart contract
is strictly observed.

To facilitate trading activities, we use liquid deposits — rather than transferring traders’ deposits to a stock exchange, they will
be created within the broker using own funds (funds raised with an ICO).

Traders receive funds from investors as coins. If a third-party stock exchange preferred by a certain trader does not support
deposits in coins, traders may be required to exchange currencies. To do this, traders can use one of the following:

  •  Liquid deposits using funds raised with an ICO. Funds of a team allocated in the stock exchange will be transferred to the trader in exchange for his/her coins or at his/her request.
  •  In case of insufficient funds required for such deposits, within a year after the SINT launch, traders will be able to receive attracted funds directly in ethers (ETH) and then transfer such ethers to the stock exchange. All internal payments will be in coins
  • You can exchange your coins for ETH using the Coin Maker. This involves additional costs and thus will encourage traders totrade in stock exchanges that support deposits in coins.

Traders can always see the amounts they have received and the amounts they have to return. Thus, traders can close some
positions themselves to satisfy the conditions concerting return of the attracted funds and avoid forced closure.

As demonstrated below, traders are not in a position to foul play — they are not interested in changing their strategy to the
disadvantage of investors or engaging in fraud. Fund distribution parameters depend on the trading history, which means that
traders having a positive trading history will receive larger funds. We drive a competitive environment; in other words, traders
are interested not only in the best performance indicators but also in minimum rewards for their services, as well as a reasonable
share of losses — something that investor-manager relations often lack.

In addition to the general algorithm, we plan to enable corporate access. It means that a company which has many investors or
traders can add them into the system within one account by providing them with keys for sub-account. Thus, a management
company will be able to distribute funds to several traders and provide each of these traders with access to a separate account
where they can implement their strategies. Trading results of such traders will be independent, while only the company
management will have access to the general account and will be able to control all sub-accounts.

SINT interface.

SINT UI has a simple user-friendly structure of parameters of investment strategies which allows for automated identification of
investors’ attitude to profits, risks, investment markets, and traders.

Investors have minimal interactions with traders. Investors only need to specify their preferences and sign a contract with the
system — after that they don’t need to reflect on how traders do their job — just set the parameters of the traders you trust,
such as duration of trades, managed amounts, and total funds earned for other investors. Only traders who meet the specified
parameters will be able to manage your funds.

Investors can view dynamics of growth of their investments up to the completion of the investment period or early withdrawal
of funds. After return on the funds, investors can reinvest them taking into account new preferences or use them for other

SINT algorithm.

Let us denote portfolio dynamics history (%) of each trading strategy by S, and a set of such strategies/histories by S. N is the
number of strategies. In this context and in the context of the platform, this only refers to information on transactions (algorithms
are private). This information is stored in dedicated nodes which receive data on the trading transactions. Miners that run such
nodes will solve the optimization task below for a certain fee.

When distributing funds of an investor (see Fig. 2), the SINT can assign each strategy with certain weight Ki (i=1...N) so that
∑Ki=1. After that, the system distributes the funds between the strategies in proportion to such weight. If the funds are
distributed between strategies with a history longer than T days, we can restore changes of an abstract portfolio to the present
day as if the distribution and beginning of the management process were T days ago. Such changes also include trader rewards
as if they had set them in the past and withdrawn them from the invested funds under their management. Thus, we have a new
strategy which is in fact a superposition of strategies from the S set and with new estimates of profit and loss parameters based
on the history. Let us denote a set of all such synthetic strategies by Z.

Each strategy Z of the Z set has a nonuniform vector of parameters P={ P0 , Pm , Pt }
P0 is a vector of parameters which includes the expectations of the following formal trading characteristics:

 Average daily profit (%)
 Average daily loss (%)
 Average drawdown (%)
 Maximum drawdown in the history (%)
 Duration of the average drawdown (days)
 Average maximum drawdown for the investment period (%)
 Duration of the maximum drawdown (days)
 Ratio of the average profit (per drawdown) to the average drawdown (profit to risk)
 Recovery factor (ratio of maximum profit to maximum drawdown)



In future, owners of SINTEZ tokens will be able to make strategic decisions concerning platform management. Commission fees
for operations and priorities in implementation of strategic projects financed by SINTEZ funds will be defined by poll. Democracy
would further enhance transparency of the system.
Our goal is to create a fully decentralized and independent system. One step towards this goal is establishment of additional
nodes of developers — independent teams that will implement platform update projects. Token holders will be able to vote for
specific teams that will implement the projects and for rewards of such teams in case of successful implementation, as well as
for integration of such updates into the platform. This way, step by step, we will develop a comprehensive and fully decentralized
platform of the global digital economy.


More Detail

Writter By : yuni52

ETH : 0x74E059FEcCE332dd6E34dC6080eE4E9a51060d2c


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