Why do we really need EventChain's SMART Tickets?

Organizing an event on a global level for thousands of participants and even millions of viewers is actually not an easy thing. The main issue of holding large scale events is the ticket issue for participants, committees and distributors. With EventChain, look no further! All that can now be easily overcome by using the EventChain platform that will create ticket sales events, distribution and tracking of baby play for its users!

EventChain will provide a simple user interface for event managers to manage and implement SmartTicket sales globally for small to large events backed by existing blocking technology and EVC Tokens, empowering the actual peer-to-peer network to buy and sell tickets to event. EventChain has the opportunity to become the first real-world blockchain application to be widely adopted by the general public without the need to understand the underlying distributed technology.

 EventChain will develop a decentralized modular SmartTicketing network supported by the peer-to peer platform. The centralized event ticket infrastructure is vulnerable to malicious attacks and a single point of failure. By selling SmartTickets and processing transactions on a decentralized EventChain token network built on the Ethereal blockade, all are secured with 256 bit cryptography that will protect against fraud and prevent harmful attacks on the network.

With all this being said, but why do we really need EventChain's SMART Tickets?

EventChain will provide solutions to the following problems in the event ticket industry:

Ticket Problems:

  • Fake tickets are created and sold for events.
  • Tickets are often difficult to resell with irrefutable evidence that the tickets are genuine genuine tickets.

Reshuffle Issues:

  1. Allegations from event ticket vendors and resellers plugged their own tickets and then resold them as much as a 200% mark-up on their own unusual subsidiary platform.
  2. Typhoon tickets deceive buyers to purchase VIP resale tickets at outrageous prices, but are not eligible for the VIP feature because VIP tickets do not qualify based on resale terms.

Website Issues:

  1. The large volume of ticket buyers simultaneously can overwhelm the event ticket sales sites when the ticket is released and often weigh on and hit the ticket system.
  2. Event ticket services have been affected by DDoS attacks against their Domain Name Servers, crashing into their website at the time of ticket purchase.

Other problems:

  1. Pre-sale ticket offers are often not transparent.
  2. Event tickets provide admission into unnecessary subscriptions to media and marketing material by cheating during the ticket purchasing process.
You may be wondering, all problems and problems listed but so far no solution to solve them! Good thing is kept to last my friend! EventChain will address all ticket issues identified by traditional ticketing as follows:
  1. Unlimited number of SmartTickets will be available for each event and associated with an event's smart contract
  2. EventChain can transmit tickets smoothly through blockchain to anyone for granting or reselling.
  3. SmartTickets is fully programmable, allowing smart contract codes that can fix tickets at a fixed price.
  4. To prevent massive ticket purchases from brokers, the event ticket distribution option can be customized with a custom range on the number of tickets available to a single user or group, and optional constraints that allow alternative distribution methods.
  5. EventChain will have an integrated ticket re-sale reputation system, enabling event ticket vendors and resellers to build and develop their reputation when they sell SmartTickets.
  6. Using the Ethereal blockchain as the foundation gives higher transactional accountability, scalability and suitability to the event ticket industry than the current centralized ticketing architecture.
  7. Where EventChain will not lend deceptive tactics, SmartTickets underlying smart contract codes are fully programmable and SmartTickets can be created in a completely transparent way to combine add-ons such as food and beverage, parking, 50/50 sweepstakes, merchandise credits and any combination. product or service.
  8. Since the EventChain transactional templates are decentralized, ticket purchases will not be limited to the EventChain mobile website and applications.
  9. EventChain distributed platforms will pull information from Ethereal blockchain and verify it by validating nodes that are distributed globally. Distribution protects the network by incentivizing positive behavior and eliminating a single point of attack.

With all that is said you may now know the answer! Yes, we need EventChain and SMART tickets. EventChain envisions an ideal world where everyone can attend the event through the use of a more honest, transparent and accountable event ticket system that provides additional benefits for event hosts and enthusiasts. We have long been looking for an easy-to-use method to get tickets for anything, even minutes before the start of an event, with a bit of a hassle, through a secure system that is accessible worldwide. Now with the power of EventChain and Ethereum, we will have that freedom.

Still have questions? If you still feel something is wrong or need more brainstorming then feel free to join the community and learn more.


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