Blocklancer on the blockchain

What is a blocklancer?

Blocklancer is the so-called Distributed Autonomous Employment Market (DAJ) on the Ethereal platform, our vision of self-regulating platforms to find work and complete projects. This will change the way freelancing works, both for customers and freelancers, and this will lift the reliability off to new heights.

Find a job :

Find a job easily even without the knowledge of what a blockchain is. You can search for jobs on our job market platform or build your reputation as a freelancer and be contacted directly by customers who request your expertise. Simplicity is the core principle of this platform.

Getting the job done:

Need a job? No problem! Simply create a job offer on our platform and wait for the freelancer to accept your offer or contact a trustworthy freelancer directly. Easy as that!

Blocklancer solves all Problems on the current freelancer platform:

  • With this project, we want to address some of the issues that are currently prevalent in the free world, including but not for: fake reviews, getting payments for your work reliably and the uncontrolled influence of central authority figures.

  • With this project, we want to address some of the issues that are currently prevalent in the free world, including but not for: fake reviews, getting payments for your work reliably and the uncontrolled influence of central authority figures.

  • At Blocklancer you only have to pay if you are 100% satisfied with the job or if a certain milestone is reached. And if there is a dispute, the token holder will decide. Never again will you find unilateral decisions by biased authorities and unfair financial losses.

  • Never rely on one authority to resolve your dispute again. With the decision of our token holder holder (ENT), the decision is in the hands of thousands of token holders, who guarantee fair decisions.
  • Our cost is only 3% per job, several times lower than other freelancing sites. Freelancing will ultimately be a profitable way to earn money - and reliable too.

  • Due to blockchain, your job offer can not be removed under any circumstances. Barbarity and personal feelings no longer play a role, because the blockchain can not be damaged.

Smooth signs:
Token represents the part you have in our project. Therefore, the Token is proportional to the stock in the company, where you receive a certain percentage of the company's revenue.

Token Holder obtains Fees:
100% of the fee generated from the work on our platform will be distributed among the token holders.

The Token holder keeps the System running:
The token holder will be voted in our token holder tribunal, resolving the dispute between the customer and the freelancer.

Road Map :

Information Lebih Lanjut :

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