CARDSTACK - Funding And Maintaining The Running World Software


Database system is a term that refers to the application of the database into an integrated system and can be applied for the benefit of the user as well as the public interest. The database system will be used to process the data as well as the information contained in the database or database, so that information can be forwarded and also used by anyone who accesses the data. The most widely used database system in the past was the centralized database system. The centralized database system is the opposite of a distributed database system, wherein a centralized database system, the server providing information in the database is composed of only one server, as the center and also the host computer for the entire system as well as the existing network.

Requires a computer server with a very sophisticated capacity, especially for companies or agencies that have heavy data traffic.

  • Large hard drive capacity
  • If the server is interrupted, all events will be interrupted
  • Server fixes may cause server features to be restricted

Due to this shortage many developers are trying to develop a decentralized database system using blockchain. With the implementation of a decentralized database system it is expected to add a different user experience from a centralized database system. One service that uses a decentralized database system using blockchain is Cardstack.

Pile of cards
Cardstack is an open-source framework and consensus protocol that makes blockchains work for the mass market. Cardstack creates a decentralized software ecosystem that can be deployed across multiple markets such as mobile applications and cloud storage. Benefit Cardsatck for users and software makers is as follows.

The Author is a Fair Gift Prize
Our proposed economic model is to fund and maintain software that runs the world, in a way that distributes rewards fairly among the creators and the open source community that supports it. App buyers go into direct deals through smart contracts, which coordinate various software development teams, cloud hosting providers, and supported protocols backed by coins. The buyer offers to cover all material costs for running the application, as long as the costs are related to the use. Buyers will also pay royalties that are shared between those who develop the software, as a reward to initially create and continue to support all the components that make up a particular application.

For User is User Experience
With the smoothness of tokens-supported apps, we can move beyond one icons per app business setting from the mobile and cloud worlds at the moment. However, for blockchain support applications to gain mass market adoption, we need to bridge the gap between blockball power and cloud comfort. Benchmark referrals and mechanisms from Marketstack combine the new possibilities provided by smart contracts, while leveraging the global scale and the incredible cost efficiency of cloud computing, to provide this user experience. Our technology places the strength of decentralization into real-world economies, backed by current blockchain protocols, can enrich the world in the same way.

The concept of a business card

Centralize the Internet Around Users
The new orchestration approach should be user-controlled software stacks.

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Decentralized User Experience
Users can start, organize, and make decisions about locally coordinated transactions (eg via counter) through cloud-based market makers or through logical mechanisms and consensus barriers. Parity with traditional single function applications is not enough. The vision of multiple applications and dApps that work harmoniously demands a generation leap in user experience in terms of writing and interoperability.

Changing Services To Tangible Cards
The necessary orchestration can be done intuitively by converting each application status to a "card", which is a visual representation of key information, suggesting further action via chaining of related cards.

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The Rise of Card-based UI
To enable this breakthrough, we need to troubleshoot complex user interface spaces and workflows into manageable sections. Each bite-sized, encapsulated, and occurring sections appear to look like a physical "card", which can be embedded, chained, loaded, cloned, pulled out and approved as part of the cohesive. At the same time, we also need to minimize and set new rules, know how these cards can stand on their own, be embedded in other apps, and act as hosts for other cards when prompted to do so. We can then use the beneficial power of blockchain, which is a simplified through a card-based ecosystem,

Bridging Blockchain And Cloud Services
This card becomes the primary interaction unit between users and many competing service variants, local runs locally, in the cloud, or is blocked and meets various aspects of user needs.

Un Legacy Data Chain
We need to solve the ancient concept of omnipotent "application" into smaller building blocks, which in turn are chained back through user choice or system recommendations. Once you change the data into a card, you have it forever.

With appropriate syndication hooks - some based on blockchain technology - the data in user's private clouds can be replicated in the clouds of other users or organizations. However, blockchain is really a coordination mechanism between a group of participating peers. Everyone is free to do what they want with data sent by blockchain. Whether you choose to participate directly through a computer you control, instantiate a private cloud that runs 24/7 on your behalf only, or let a third party website do it for you in a multi-tenant way - it's all up to you.

Enable Progressive Decentralization
Behind the card facade, the process of decentralizing the software ecosystem can be done by changing the ready-to-combat barriers.

Users Need to Know
Users need to understand how to interpret the encapsulated information presented to them through this card; they need to choose the right action to take to complete the transaction, persuade others, or grow into greater authority. What is behind the block? whether counterparty is another human or autonomous agent represented by an intelligent contract; or whether the proof of identity and therefore authority is granted by the ID blockchain or face ID on the device.

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Token Generation event

Event Token Generation Cardstack is designed to balance the interests of many stakeholders so as to achieve this goal:

Optimize tokens allocation so that three major groups of participants in controlsthe ecosystem growth to maximize utility. Ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, so that TGE can be carried out in an orderly manner, as well as minimizing risks for contributors and foundations. Reward members of society, especially those who join Cardstack early in the growth phase, with a clear and fair participation process regardless of the level of individual contributions.

Image result for cardstack bounty ico

For further research:

User Name BTT : yuni52


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