SP8DE-Platform first Developing Distributed Application Casino!

Game of Chance is a game of risk takers; The bottom line is that risks ... and, of course, reward. All this said, however. Per se, they are merely abstract concepts and lack substance mathematically. They are merely artifacts of the ancient man-made game built around concepts that are at least as old as the universe itself. This concept is commonly referred to as Chaos or randomness: the lack of a pattern or a combination that can be understood.

This still sounds abstract. So, when applied to the game, the randomness is the core concept: this is a process that may not be manipulated by anyone and regularly delivers a collection of countless numbers that actually determine who wins and who loses. This is basically the figure number that is really refreshing. The process of generating these numbers is not possible:

  • A. manipulated by the evil party,
  • B. recognized with a significant probability considering input from information available before               scrolling, or
  • C. Observed by anyone before anyone else did ... at least in theory,
  • D. Also, of course, it should be repeated.

The canonical example of a man-made mechanism which, if made reasonably, fairly meet important quality this is a roulette wheel that is routinely used in almost all casinos around the world. So, screening the roulette wheel through 4 our prerequisites for a random number generator mechanism that can be applied to the Casino:

  • A. these Wheels produce self-refreshing (means of generating new numbers recursively-from time to time) collection of numbers-the number and color of the winner's bag during several periods,
  • B. Manipulate results scrolling wheel not possible assuming the wheels are nice,
  • C. many individuals tend to be mathematically on the history of the human race to develop and use a complex method that aims to ' guess ' (more like ' to predict the outcome of certain games with statistically significant and, more importantly, the probability of economically attractive ') results from a variety of casino games (excluding Roulette) are given a set of input: few if any ever successfully;
  • D. of course, this repetitive: each round the wheel by the airport is newly produced a series of iterations value is chosen randomly.

So, now let's take a closer look at each of the points above: ' a. ' and ' d. ' satisfied with the definition-there is no formal proof required-indeed, the intention of the roulette wheel is to produce a set of random values and these values are refreshed on each round. ' C ' is justified more on empirical reason: so many have tried to solve the puzzle without the risk of betting, lured by a mirage of endless wealth associated with the casino as well as the complexity and broad application of interdisciplinary mathematics involved in modeling. various aspects of gambling. The most successful model of all ' magic ' is probably betting systems, such as, for example, the Martingale system. If someone bet carefully and has a risk management strategy that is well respected and obeyed regardless of the circumstances,https://sp8de.com/

On average, of course, the House always wins and there is no kind of magic or elegant mathematical models that are strong enough for the test of time in the Hall of the Casino. Instead, there is just a smart money management system that represents the redesigned models mainly from the fields of risk management and financial accounting. The above things are quite fit when used to describe a roulette wheel, but are not limited to this game. The rest is ' b. ' the point looks quite okay and at first reading appears to be not too different from the other three. However, there is a fundamental difference between the two:

  • A. There is little sense in the sentence itself: without clarification length seems to claim that the use of the wheel just need well ... have a nice wheel. But what is fair in the end?
  • B. This is the only Point that implies that someone needs to assume something.

So, not only the concept of ' fair wheel ' which is very abstract and in this form only has little value applied. On top of this, you really have to assume that you have it: not much better way to satisfy the final points to arrive at a process of generating random numbers ' good ' that can be used in the Casino.

So, what's the problem with this? Why is this one different from the others? Roulette wheel what should be adapted to the definitions of ' fair wheel ' and what this definition? Here's a few problems which we will discuss in section "SP8DE: contemporary Casino design-from the earliest days of mankind until the rebellion". We will also show how the issue of ' fair-wheel ' became one of the major problems that is not resolved in the online gambling industry and how it solved half of it later. This will prepare the ground for the introduction of modular technology blockchain into the discussion.https://sp8de.com/sp8de_white_paper.pdf

Finally, we will begin to illustrate how the concepts seem simple that is used in the world of casinos can provide a useful framework and very efficient to analyze many problem gambling is not related to the real world-for example in the the field of politics.

Bounty Program

We know that Sp8de will change the future of online gambling. This program is focused at informing the wider cryptocurrency and gambling of our project. By taking part in the Bounty Program you will get a share of the project’s tokens by executing several promoting campaigns for Sp8de.

We will allocate 2% (or 177,777,777.76 SPX) of the Sp8de tokens to this program. In the following text we will describe our bounty program and we will be happy for everyone who exhibits interest in Sp8de.

  • ICO Start: January 8, 2017; 10:18 AM GMT
  • ICO End: March 11, 2017; 10:18 AM GMT

Total Bounty Pool will be divided As Follows:

Twitter Campaign - 15%
Facebook Campaign - 15%
Translation and Moderation Campaign - 22.5%
Content Campaign - 12.5%
Reddit Campaign - 5%
Signature Campaign - 20%
Bug Reporting & Creative Development Campaign - 10%

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WEBSITE : https://sp8de.com/
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WHITEPAPER: https://sp8de.com/sp8de_white_paper.pdf

Writter By : yuni52

My ETH : 0x74E059FEcCE332dd6E34dC6080eE4E9a51060d2c


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