
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2018
About CREDITO Credito is a decentralized credit analysis network that provides credit scores, transaction costs and credit markets supported by Ethereal, Intellectual and IPFS contracts, increasing transparency and reliability. The introduction of credit markets is decentralized and provides links between creditors and borrowers living around the world. It removes physical barriers and reduces traditional borrowing and administrative costs. Visit CREDITO TOKEN CreDApp consults with CreditO At that time, mandates were granted to maintain the Creator's risk profile and offer better interest rates for the network. If the creator wants to quickly fulfill the loan application, he can place an order with interest rates previously reduced. Token network card Credits include the ERC20 token, which functions as currency, management mechanism, and rewards system with Credito. Credito will be able to set prices and receive payments for its services in the...


good night all, how about your news today "I think everything is fine, here I want to load the project ico COPYTRACK , about how the system and the results of the project let us discuss together ,,, The Challenges of Digital Content Management Proof of Ownership of Digital Content Digital content management faces two types of challenges – those faced by users and those faced by rights-holders. Users often misunderstand the usage of digital images online and the corresponding licensing options. On the other hand, rights-holders have few or no methods to prove ownership of original content and derivative work. Also, they often have inadequate tools to track the usage of their copyrighted images and identify violations. Both users and rights-holders are faced with the challenge ofreducing the cost of payments, and these costs are invariably added to price of use-rights. In addition, both groups struggle with facilitating seamless and timely settlement of payments. CO...


PumaPay is a comprehensive billing protocol that combines the best traditional (credit card) payment methods with blockchain based solutions, and allows more frequent use of crypto in online & offline outlets. PumaPay offers a free blockchain-based protocol that decentralizes the overall layer of transaction processing services and replaces the traditional and current blockchain based billing methodology. By using our Pull Contract and our innovative contracts, we will enable complex and widespread payment methods, such as pay per usage and recurring transactions, which have not been offered as an all-in-one solution for Cryptocurrencies today. The driving force behind our protocol is a sign of FDI.Any cryptocurrency can be converted to PMA to fully enjoy the benefits of the PumaPay protocol. With PumaPay you can:  Adapt to billing solutions to online and offline e-commerce outlets. Offer flexible and comprehensive customer billing solutions, including regular payme...

Jaringan Komunitas Pintar yang Teruji Pertama di Dunia KARMA

Dengan era desentralisasi, misi baru Karma adalah memberikan Protokol Karma dan Karma International Token (KIT) untuk memberdayakan masyarakat berbasis keanggotaan di seluruh dunia, termasuk: Organisasi keanggotaan fisik (seperti country atau golf clubs) Organisasi keanggotaan virtual (seperti cabang alumni universitas) Organisasi nirlaba yang tidak memiliki tulang punggung operasional (CRM, ERP, Analytics, dll.) Didirikan pada tahun 2005, Karma memiliki misi asli untuk menghubungkan individu-individu yang luar biasa dan inspirasional baik secara sosial maupun profesional melalui berbagai acara eksperimental yang tinggi, pertemuan puncak jaringan bisnis, pertemuan sosial, dan kunjungan internasional. Karma Karma adalah inisiatif berani yang memanfaatkan kekuatan desentralisasi dan teknologi blockchain untuk memberdayakan organisasi berbasis keanggotaan di seluruh dunia. Slogan kami dengan sempurna mengemukakan visi Karma: Jaringan Komunitas Pintar Terpendek di Du...


Greetings of the community, hopefully on this blog your search for the Atomic Atomic Bitcoin Atomic Swap project is powerful, Atomic community based can be fulfilled everything, here is the discussion: Bitcoin Atom discusses issues that are currently gripped by the world's most famous Blockchain. Of course it is Bitcoin. Bitcoin has since emerged from the scene, revolutionized, for having removed the mediators from the whole story, the fact that instant and inexpensive transactions have taken place, and the inability to fight the currency. All of this inspires the expansion we see today. Bitcoin Atom (BCA) presents a completely decentralized way to exchange digital assets - with the exchange of chain atoms on board. Using its built-in time-locked hash (HTLC) contract and its own HTLC API, Bitcoin Atom is trying to interfere with the way of exchange of emergency crypts, which provides the freedom of intermediaries and centralized entities. We believe that most cryptocurre...


  Senin yang lalu, 11 Desember, ICO BTCx dimulai, yang ingin menjadi versi perbaikan Bitcoin. BTCx adalah proyek yang melihat keberlanjutan lebih besar daripada Smart Contracts, yang saat ini tidak diimplementasikan oleh Bitcoin.  Ini juga bertujuan untuk meningkatkan fungsionalitas dan mengatasi ketidakpastian keamanan tertentu yang muncul di kalangan pengguna komunitas Bitcoin.  Hal lain adalah biaya yang ada saat ini dengan bitcoin sangat tinggi. Persyaratan ini mengarah pada gagasan BTCX untuk memperbaiki bitcoin baru. Apa saja aspek yang diusulkan oleh BTCx? 40 kali lebih cepat: berkat pengembangan teknologi Blockchain baru, interval rata-rata antara blok akan menjadi 14 detik, dibandingkan dengan sekitar 10 menit yang dibutuhkan untuk Bitcoin.  Ini akan memungkinkan transaksi hingga 40 kali lebih cepat. Ethash dan bukan SHA-256: algoritma yang digunakan untuk kriptografi bukanlah SHA-256 klasik dari Bitcoin namun Ethash (digunakan oleh cryptoc...

Credito sedang membangun Jaringan Intelijen Kredit

Tentang CREDITO Credito adalah jaringan analisis kredit terdesentralisasi yang memberikan nilai kredit, biaya transaksi dan pasar kredit yang didukung oleh kontrak Ethereal, Intelektual dan IPFS, meningkatkan transparansi dan kehandalan. Pengenalan pasar kredit didesentralisasi dan menyediakan hubungan antara kreditor dan peminjam yang tinggal di seluruh dunia.  Ini menghilangkan hambatan fisik dan mengurangi biaya pinjaman dan administrasi tradisional.  Kunjungi CREDITO TOKEN CreDApp berkonsultasi dengan CreditO Pada saat itu, mandat diberikan untuk mempertahankan profil risiko Pencipta dan menawarkan tingkat bunga yang lebih baik untuk jaringan.  Jika pencipta ingin cepat memenuhi permohonan pinjaman, dia bisa melakukan pemesanan dengan suku bunga yang sebelumnya berkurang. Kartu jaringan Token Kredit termasuk token ERC20, yang berfungsi sebagai mata uang, mekanisme manajemen, dan sistem penghargaan dengan Credito.  C...